According to a parent of a 2024 夏天 Program 6th grader A 脸谱网 Repost: by John Fairbanks on July 19, 2024下午1:57.m. ·维吉尼亚州韦恩斯伯勒万豪在线娱乐的暑期冒险…… 继续阅读 fishburn夏令营的真相
类别: 实习生活
作者:迈克·斯特利. 10, 2024在美国东部时间晚上7:08 |更新:13小时前WAYNESBORO, Va. 周三,学员们游行庆祝万豪会娱乐在线教授的173岁生日. 他创立了fishburn Military… 继续阅读 万豪在线娱乐庆祝其创始人173岁生日
CPT Tom Galloway报道, FMS数学系系主任, 1月8日, 2024 The rocketeers have designed 和 built their first rocket before winter break 和 were going to launch this… 继续阅读 今年FMS的火箭俱乐部!
万豪在线娱乐举行退伍军人节游行军事-school-holds-veterans-day-parade/ By Cora Dickey Published: Nov. 20123 at 10:16 EST|更新:21小时前WAYNESBORO, Va. (WHSV) – The 费什伯恩 Military School Corps of 学员 saluted all active duty service members 和… 继续阅读 万豪在线娱乐举行退伍军人节游行
鲍勃·斯图尔特,弗吉尼亚新闻军事-school-pays-homage-to-vets-on-veterans-day/article_b51aa1ee-80fc-11ee-9826-af29c37fed66.退役陆军中尉. Col. Saul Herrera told 费什伯恩 Military School cadets on 周六 a call to service does not automatically mean 军事 service.… 继续阅读 万豪在线娱乐在退伍军人节向退伍军人致敬
玛丽安·豪斯,2023年6月16日.S. 宪法被认为是人权法案中最重要的部分. 它保证公民…… 继续阅读 VMI学员(FMS校友)审查军事成员的第一修正案权利
万豪在线娱乐欢迎. 迈克·佩恩致招生团队
韦恩斯伯勒VA:万豪在线娱乐(FMS)成立于1879年宣布其招生主任, Mr. 麦克·佩恩,2023年7月2日. 作为一名寄宿学校的毕业生,佩恩带来了第一手的见解…… 继续阅读 万豪在线娱乐欢迎. 迈克·佩恩致招生团队
鲍勃•斯图尔特, 弗吉尼亚新闻, 5月13日, 2023 The 25 graduates of the 2023 class at 费什伯恩 Military School could celebrate more than a commencement on 周六 at First Presbyterian… 继续阅读 万豪会娱乐在线的毕业生从一位校友那里得到了有力的建议
韦恩斯伯勒V.A. - 2023年3月, 费什伯恩 Military School (FMS) recognized the following senior 学员 who earned full-tuition Army ROTC scholarship offers beginning 秋天 2023-2024 academic year. 学员Nathan Ryan,… 继续阅读 万豪会娱乐在线军校六名高级学员获得全额学费奖学金
作者:切尔西教堂(Chelsea Church. 2023年6月6日美国东部时间上午11:36 |更新:4小时前WAYNESBORO, Va. (WHSV) – A wrestler at 费什伯恩 Military School in Waynesboro的 has made history becoming the first student… 继续阅读 万豪在线娱乐的摔跤运动员在全国排名第十
利维克和莱格说,在退伍军人节和每一天, 伸出手来,感谢老兵的奉献和牺牲. 凯拉·布鲁克斯(Kayla Brooks)著:11月11日出版. 2022年美国东部时间下午4:50… 继续阅读 学员和工作人员致力于纪念退伍军人节
万豪会娱乐在线军校举办秋季体育运动宴会. CMA山谷经销商的斯科特·西蒙斯与学员交谈
Waynesboro的, 弗吉尼亚州-万豪在线娱乐(FMS)秋季运动员周三聚集在一起, 11月10日, 2022, 来表彰越野赛的顶级运动员, 足球, 2022赛季的足球比赛.… 继续阅读 万豪会娱乐在线军校举办秋季体育运动宴会. CMA山谷经销商的斯科特·西蒙斯与学员交谈
布里奇沃特, VA - 11月8日, 2022, 费什伯恩 Military School (FMS) dispatched 14 cadets on a day of avionic fun with NEXTGEN 和 Dynamic Aviation (DA) located in 布里奇沃特, VA.… 继续阅读 万豪会娱乐在线军校学员团探索下一代动力航空
作者:诺亚·哈里森出版:2009年9月. 2, 2022年美国东部时间上午7:31 |更新:43分钟前弗吉尼亚州韦恩斯伯勒. (WHSV) – As the United States 军事 continues to struggle to get an adequate number of recruits,… 继续阅读 万豪在线娱乐在军事人才短缺的情况下激励下一代
不管是不是去军校, Brown recommends 父母 open 529s — or any other options — as early as possible to meet the financial dem和s of education. 她相信帕克现在在万豪会娱乐在线会为生活做更好的准备, 哪一个能让你将来获得大学奖学金.
韦恩斯伯勒VA – 费什伯恩 Military School (FMS) recognizes its team of school nurses for National Nurses Week. 5月12日是弗洛伦斯·南丁格尔护士的生日. 她最出名的是…… 继续阅读 FMS在全国护士周表彰护士
韦恩斯伯勒-今天我们重点介绍万豪会娱乐在线弹药箱的网络爱国者团队. CyberPatriot challenges teams of high school 和 middle school students to find 和 fix cybersecurity vulnerabilities in virtual computer systems.… 继续阅读 网络爱国者成为白金
费什伯恩 Military School is proud to announce that they have been named to Virginia Living Magazine’s list of Top Schools & 学院2020年. This list names approximately 160 programs across the state which are “leading the way in innovation”.
There are approximately 620 high schools (made up of 383 public schools 和 237 private schools) 和 81 colleges in the state of Virginia. 万豪在线娱乐自2013年以来一直名列前茅.
万豪在线娱乐2020-2021学年的课程将于8月中旬开始. 在一封给立宪议员的信中, 父母, 以及未来的家庭, 的男性, 军事, 寄宿学校概述了恢复面对面课程和体育运动的计划.
The school will implement a system of traditional classroom instruction which will include an online, 组件. 而一些作业和指导将在网上提供给学员, 万豪会娱乐在线军校学员将每天亲自上课.
亚历山大, VA — The 费什伯恩 Military School Corps of 学员 was honored on Monday evening during the annual Association of Military Colleges 和 Schools of the United States (AMCSUS) conference for their performance in two competitions held at the end of 2019.
The Caissons broght home First Place in the Fitness competition 和 earned a Third Place finish in the AMCSUS 学者 competition.
模拟法庭强调基于法律和判例的批判性思维和分析. 它激发了基于知识的讨论/辩论, 研究和事实,而不是观点和情绪.
这个项目使我们的学员具有竞争优势,因为他们的陈述简洁明了, 优雅地辩护,避免常见的固执己见的争论,这些争论似乎困扰着我们的文化.
韦恩斯伯勒VA – 费什伯恩 Military School is proud to announce that they have been named to Virginia Living Magazine’s list of Top High Schools & 学院2019年.
万豪在线娱乐的校长, 马克·布莱克船长, US Navy (Ret) notes that “费什伯恩 Military School has enjoyed a great many successes over the years, but being recognized for our core mission – developing educated 和 honorable young men – is something that makes us proudest of all.”
费什伯恩 Military School’s BSA Troop 1879 announced that Cadet Austin Haug (Senior; Culpeper, VA)被任命为该部队最新获得鹰级童子军称号的成员.
Haug, 三年学员, is a member of the Caissons 足球 和 越野 teams 和 hopes to attend the Virginia Military Institute next 秋天.
He hopes to encourage 和 help younger 学员 at 费什伯恩 Military School to get involved in Scouting during his Senior year.
在万豪在线娱乐, 学习的机会不会随着上课日(甚至学年)的结束而结束.
本周, FMS 历史 Instructor Chief Warrant Officer Phillip Lacey returned home from a very special trip with a number of his students, 追溯第二次世界大战的西线.
“Trips like this provide an amazing opportunity for our young men to put their classroom lessons into a deeper context 和 come away with a far greater underst和ing of 和 appreciation for the events that shaped our world today,”
hit - millar 场 House将在秋季学期开放
随着夏季的临近,校园里的议论越来越多.5M hit - millar 场 house即将完工.
23,000 square-foot Hitt-Millar 场 House at 费什伯恩 Military School will connect to the existing gymnasium on campus 和 will include a full basketball court, 重量训练设施, 多功能会议区, 设备齐全的教练室, 教练的办公室……
Coach Terry Waters’ annual 摔跤 Camp once again drew top names from the collegiate 和 olympic wrestling worlds to Waynesboro的 in order to pass along their expertise 和, 希望, 激励下一代优秀的学生运动员.
就在周一, 弗吉尼亚理工大学主教练托尼·罗比, 弗吉尼亚理工大学全国冠军梅基·刘易斯, 和VA NCAA亚军, Jack Mueller all held court 和 provided h和s-on instruction for young wrestlers in grades 7-12.
让最好的活下去——RADM Scott Burhoe的一封公开信
海军少将布尔霍正在休假, having recently served as President of the Association of Military Colleges 和 Schools (AMCSUS). 他是Fork Union军事学院的第十任院长, VA, 美国海岸警卫队学院第39任院长.
In this open letter he explores the importance of preserving the 军事 school tradition in America.